BTG Group in the world:

BTG Internationale Spedition GmbH

Augsburg (head office), Berlin, Bremen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Kempten, Olching (Munich), Neuss, Plochingen (Stuttgart), Ravensburg, Schongau / Germany

BTG Internationale Spedition

Moscow / Russia

BTG Logistics Ltd.

Moscow / Russia

BTG Messe GmbH

Augsburg / Germany

BTG Expo GmbH

Frankfurt / Germany

BTG Warehouse Services GmbH

Bobingen / Germany

p.ressle GmbH & Co. Spedition KG

Schongau / Germany

VTL Vernetzte-Transport-Logistik GmbH

Fulda / Germany

BTG Events Europe AG

Widnau / Switzerland

BTG Suisse AG

Basel – Pratteln / Switzerland

BTG CargoSolutions AG

Basel – Pratteln / Switzerland

BTG Spedition und Logistik GmbH

Vienna / Austria

BTG Logistics s.r.o.

Kosice / Slovakia

BTG mednarodna spedicija in logistika d.o.o.

Maribor – Koper / Slovenia

BTG Argentina S.A.

Buenos Aires / Argentina


Paris / France

Currie European SA

Gennevilliers – Paris / France

Jaguar Trafimar Logistica SA de CV

Mexico City / Mexico

BTG International Freight Forwarding (Beijing)

Beijing / China

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